Our little ones explore, move and learn as they discover the world around them and gain experience.
Children see the world through different eyes from adults and, unlike them, are not yet able to recognise risks and dangers.
More than half of all accidents involving “UNDER 5s” occur in the home and not in the street and the age group most at risk is between two and three.
According to the data that emerged during the conference “A safe world for our children”, in collaboration with the Institute for Child and Adolescent Health (ISBA) of the Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, accidents in childhood and adolescence are the most common cause of death and the second most common cause of illness. For every child who dies, 4 become permanently disabled, 27 have to be hospitalised and about 700 loose school days and working hours.
Between 0 and 5 years of age, falls are the most common accident in the home (58% of the total).
Here, a graph on falls from bed and stairs summarises the high percentages:
In order to reduce the many accidents involving children, there is a need for more information on the sources of danger, aimed in particular at parents and relatives who can look after the child.
It is the duty of adults to behave in a safe manner, taking every possible precaution to ensure the safety of their children and educating them as they grow up so that they learn to behave in a prudent manner.
According to experts, about 60% of accidents to children could be avoided by taking appropriate preventive measures, such as increased supervision or the use of technical safety devices.
Tippy responses to these needs, exploiting technology to offer parents like us a product for safety at home for children that does not exist on the market and will be available soon.