Fattore Mamma is one of the most important Italian communities dedicated to the world of mothers and their children. Thanks to a digital environment that includes a website and social channels, it collaborates with some of the most famous and followed Italian mom-bloggers and offers its loyal readers much useful content such as news, tips and of course the reviews of the best products for children.
In this regard, the products are tested by mothers themselves and, if they pass the test obtaining a positive opinion, they can show the “Recommended by mothers” label which is now synonymous with quality and reliability for tens of thousands of users. The “recommended by mothers” stamp is a distinctive element that helps mothers to choose products and services for the family in a conscious way, starting from the opinion of those who have already tried and evaluated the product/service.
A test that Tippy Pad has passed with flying colours, obtaining the consent of all mothers, none excluded! That’s why we are proud to announce that our anti-abandonment system, in addition to being the best selling in Italy since 2017, today is also… Recommended by mothers!
Thanks a lot to Fattore Mamma and all her collaborators: for us at Digicom this is one more motivation to do better and better, continuing to work for the safety of children and the serenity of parents!